Sunday, September 26, 2010

Citations L. Ron Hubbard. Courtesy of Anonymous.

... And now for some quotes from the founder of Scientology, L. Ron Hubbard. "Money make money. More money. Grifoni other people produce so as to earn more." - L. Ron Hubbard, Hubbard Communications Office Policy Letter, 9 March 1972, MS OEC 384 "Scientology is not a psycho-therapy nor a religion." - L. Ron Hubbard, "Building human capacity," p. 251 "In any case, a person from 2.0 down to the sound level is not in any thinking society, the civil rights of any kind, becauseabuse of these rights gives rise to difficult and demanding, that oppressive laws to those who need no such restrictions. "- L. Ron Hubbard, Science of Survival", 1989 145 "There are only two answers for dealing with people down from 2.0 on the Tone Scale, neither of which has to do with reasoning with them or hear their justification for their actions. The first is to them on the scale Tone of the UN to highlight some of their theta by any of the three enturbulatingvalid processes. The other is to have them quietly and without pain. "- L. Ron Hubbard, Science of" Survival p. 170 "Someone said that the day is this is illegal." Until then, be sure the orgs say what is legal or not. "- L. Ron Hubbard, Hubbard Communications Office Policy Letter, January 4, 1966," LRH compared to the org. " Stink all tanks do not take them. The trouble with China, there are too many cracks here. "- L. Ron Hubbard, personal diary, 1928." Now we sayThere ...

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